My Homemade Chalkboard in Place of the Smelly Marker Whiteboard

I couldn’t resist the temptation to try the new chalkboard paint. I was near a click away from purchasing a 3×4′ whiteboard on Amazon when I had a lightbulb go off that I could build a chalkboard for about 1/5 the cost and could also avoid the horrible odors put off by erasable markers.

So I purchased a can of green chalkboard paint (had the color customized to emulate the old school board feel), a piece of super flat 3×4′ 3/4″ thick birch sheet wood, some screws bolts washers and nuts, and 4 8′ 2x2s (used for the legs and stand). I purchased all of this for under $60!

I was really skeptical and worried that I wasted $60 and I was going to be disappointed, but I was wrong and the end result was much better than I expected.

That said, I am happy with the board. I invested in some HAGORMO chalk and a really nice erasure on Amazon.

No odors! Huge board! Easy to see in videos and images! What more can a tech nerd ask for!!??
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