KETO Fat Bomb Quick Snack Recipe | Wydro’s Tacao KETO Fat Bomb—Quick and Simple At-Home DIY Keto Snack

Quick and Simple At-Home DIY Keto Fat Bomb Snack Recipe

Below is a recipe I put together for a genuinely KETO-friendly snack that is simple and fast to make at home or on the go. It is one of 100+ recipes I created that assisted my attaining and maintaining therapeutic GKI levels below 1.0 (highest degree of therapeutic ketosis) or 1.0-3.0 (therapeutic ketosis). I trust and use the KETO-MOJO testing tool ( with all recipes I create.

This video and information are not medical advice. I am sharing my creations and information and hope you find it helpful and valuable.

What you will need (one serving):

· Food scale:
· 25g Organic Grass-Fed Butter* (Salted or Unsalted):
· 35g Organic Pure Tahini Butter:
· 5g Organic Unsweetened Cacao Nibs*:
· 1 tsp Organic Stevia Powder (optional added sweetness):

*(Optional butter swap) Organic grass-fed ghee:
*(Optional cacao swap) 10g Lily’s Dark Chocolate Chips:

You can also mix it and put it in a container in a packed lunch to each as a snack (don’t forget to bring a spoon, unless you want to eat with your hands?)

Other recommended items in this video:
Rubbermaid air-tight resealable containers: (used for the stevia)
Dissolvable food container labels:
Keto-Mojo blood and glucose testing tool:

🤔💭💯 As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases—I spent my own money and personally use the products in this article and video. I believe in transparency and honesty, and I intend to help you determine if these products are a good fit for your needs. If I think it is fire 🔥, I will tell you. If it’s trash 🗑️, I will say to you!


  1. Weigh 25 grams of butter or ghee and place it on a plate or in a small container.
  2. Weigh 35 grams of tahini and pour it over the butter
  3. Sprinkle on the cacao nibs
  4. Sprinkle on the stevia powder
  5. Stir it up or each it with a spoon as-is

Depending on the volume or product options you choose, you will get different micronutrients*, but in general, this is the basics:

· 400 calories
· 6g protein
· 5 net carbs
· 40g fat

Please like the video if it was helpful or if you want to see more of my DIY at-home KETO fat bomb recipes.